The world of video and streaming has retreated in recent years, becoming a big business as more and more people choose to create live content and publish on the Internet. Intro Open Broadcasting Software, open source software for creating and publishing live and recorded for the Internet.Download today for Windows PC and start streaming!
All functionalities, none of (function {} {{” Application page view, desktop ”);}); With the introduction of media sources, such as YouTube, iTraplennya’s cramp, more and more people are beginning to fluĂr.Se you are a gamer, the game is a reflection oftheir party, the artist creates the media, and even the teachers, giving instructions to the public, the Internet is full of content that is live. Now it has never been easier (or cheaper!) To start broadcasting with the introduction of Open BroadcasterSoftware. Open code means that it is activecommunity development code, adding new features and ensuring that each version is tested and stable. This means that all funktsyivy can expect streaming software such as capturing the GPU, the output file for .mp4 and .
flv, as well as support for microphones,cameras and automatic transfer of your favorite device. Turn on multiple screens, display your webcam, Picture in Picture, and add your own branding presentation.
Open code means that the software can be fully configuredDlyaaqueles that you are not familiar withWith the conceptof the open source software, the entire source code is available on GitHub for free and can be used without fear of jumping from copying. Even the seedlings are not a programmer, they do not feel the need to dive into the code, that’s good news. As an open source program, the community of developersit improves, as well as creating a plug-in that will also be offered for free. You, as a user, can use the plug and option in your own shows, so you can use the tools that want to give you the options you need. Open broadband software likeConsequently, there are many compatible plugs, as well as vigorous and active supolnastspragramistav that support them. Do you need advice or help? This is not an impersonal organization, a community of developers working on this project, because it is important and it is important for them that their usershave a good experience.
In znyavolenni Kali I thought about entering the streaming world, and then opening the broadcasterThe software is a great place to start, and you’ll probably find that you will not have to go further. With support popular transmission channels Ipodderzhka wide range of plugs for yourcomputer, why pay when you can get the options you need for free? For beginners and advanced streamers this software has something for all professional options to compete with some of the most expensive software packages that exist. Download and try today, it will not be rascharavanyya.HochatsetestMore applications and software? Discover the best recorders on our solutions page.